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- What are the different styles of hypertext?
- ===========================================
- As art always attracts comment, consider my comments as the start of a new
- language -- that of the hypertext reviewer/critic. So, here's my language.
- ASCII (PC-Hypertext) -- Nodes are compatible with other programs. Network
- ==================== is useful in printed format as links can be manually
- followed. Efficient in disk usage. Runs fast on the
- base of installed machines (8088 to 386 CPUs).
- Button-dominated -- Text jumps (embedded buttons) work for 1-5 branches
- ================ on a screen. If poorly done, the buttons break up
- the continuity of the information on the screen.
- Screens can not be printed as link information is
- hidden.
- Circular (wandering) -- If built primarily using a word processor or one
- ==================== screen at a time, the linkages between files are
- poorly classified. The better approach is to
- separate information creation from information
- categorization and linking.
- Hacker (spaghetti) -- Reflects convoluted twists in linkages more from
- ================== Dungeons 2000 than a desire to communicate the
- language and structure (taxonomy) of a knowledge area.
- Non-hierarchical -- User does not understand the relationships,
- ================ location, or structure of information in the system.
- Structural (stable) -- User clear on the consequences of every selection
- =================== decision in the system. <FILE28 HIERARCHIES>
- Pictorial (Van Gogh) -- Excessive emphasis on pictures for each screen.
- ==================== The construction time also provides financial
- rewards similar to what Van Gogh received (almost
- nothing). In addition it gives new meaning to
- infinity -- processes that take infinite disk
- space may take infinite time to create.
- Pirate Hypertext -- Uses copyrighted material (pictures and text)
- ================ created or owned by others without permission. As a
- consequence, most created hypertext will initially
- focus on laws, rulings, specification, and
- governmental information because that information
- is already in the public domain.
- Star Hypertext -- If a series of ASCII files each mention CD-ROM,
- ============== don't include all possible cross-references in
- each file to the other file. Instead, link each
- of the ASCII files to the most important file.
- Then, in that file, add footnote links to all of
- the other files.
- This type of "star" hypertext linking is both
- easier and faster to build and use.
- REFERENCES: ------------------------------------
- Design goals of PC-Hypertext <FILE17>
- Neil Larson 1/14/88 FILE77
- 44 Rincon Rd., Kensington, CA 94707
- Copyright MaxThink 1988 -- Call 415-428-0104 for permission to reprint